android-tools 35.0.0 and later uses libusb by default on Linux. (See also: )
On Fedora Linux 40 x86_64 and postmarketOS v24.06 aarch64 (based on Alpine Linux v3.20) which packages android-tools 35.…
we use wait-for-it.sh heavily in CI for docker integration testing in golang. Recently a job broke due to wait-for-it.sh error. I believe the issue may have to do with something changing in timeout fr…
I know this repo is kind of out of date, but I'm trying to retrace your path here and I'm not sure what the below failure is. additionally, there are quite a few docker images of icecast so I'm prett…
Currently Dart is for the x86_64 Alpine only.
Could be nice to add ARM64 Alpine support as well.
With the help of [this](https://serverfault.com/a/964693), I was able to fix the _lib c_ bug of Python's util, which will get fixed in v3.8 and causes trouble with _Shapely_. Sure, there might be a be…
Greetings. I successfully fired up your JeremyAndress/FastApi-simple repo. However, this one fails.
Running on Windows 10.
Thank you for any thoughts/suggestions.
From time to time when using the Alpine 3.16 and 3.17 images I have the ollowing errors:
21-Dec-2022 18:48:29 fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.17/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
### What software would you like us to add to wolfi-os. Ideally include a URL to the project and its source.
Name: System Security Services Daemon
Source: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd
Alpine: https…
Since last weekend we experience issues with connections to some hostnames like google.com, alpinelinux.org, api.github.com.
1/10 requests to those endpoints fail. We could reproduce it by runni…
I am getting the following error while running docker-compose up -d
Step 6/17 : RUN apk add --update git gcc libc-dev
---> Running in 6912ab16b217
fetch http://nl.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.5/mai…