Neither the circular progress indicator, nor the linear one have animation on Android 5.0 (api level 21). They are just stuck in one state without any animation. At the same time, t…
Jetpack ComposeのAlphaがリリースされました。それに合わせてCodelabやSampleも追加で公開されています。1.0は2021年にリリース予定とのことです。
With Jetpack Compose, https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose, it is difficult to produce high test coverage due to the way these components are defined; there is an exponential growth of test c…
Jetpack Compose 1.2 が RC になっています。
When displaying UI using Jetpack Compose, data model must have `@Immutable` annotation to achieve the best performance: https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/Immutabl…
Jetpack Compose 1.0.0-rc01がリリースされています。
Jetpack ComposeがKotlin 1.5に対応されています。
# What is Jetpack Compose?
Jetpack Compose is a brand-new declarative UI framework for Android development.
# Declarative UIs everywhere
The advent of declarative UI has changed how we design…
I'm doing a self-promotion here :)
Please ignore/close it if you are not interested.
Would you like to use the [wavy-slider](https://github.com/mahozad/wavy-slider) in your app?
I think An…
Was trying to upgrade some dependencies and wanted to make sure that I was not getting unexpected transitive dependency updates. What i wanted to do was:
- run dependencyUpdates
- save the report