When duplicating the steps from "Client-side Lonboard in WebAssembly" lonboard/data-filter-extension.ipynb notebook the map does not render on a local machine.
I see this:
I've tried two dif…
Hi, I'm really looking forward to playing with lonboard but I can't get viz to to render. I've tried the two example notebooks... They render in your Binder and Colab links, but when I try them in loc…
Many examples have what we call a read-only notebook deployment. This is a pretty unique feature of the deployment platform we use at te moment, Anaconda AE5, that lets us configure a deployment (via …
### Describe the bug
I am attempting to use [ipyaladin](https://github.com/cds-astro/ipyaladin) (an astronomical sky survey viewer, and more) in marimo. They use AnyWidget so I thought it would be f…
I've gotten some example working with ipyaladin and Panel.
**Would you be interested in documenting this?** This could help users build tools with ipyaladin and share them with friends, colle…
Rather than passing the widget variable into the magic each time we call it, it might be convenient to register the widget with the magic and persist it.
Inspired by Claude.ai, maybe something alo…
Has anyone ever used ipyleaflet with [Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab](https://studiolab.sagemaker.aws/)? I can't get it to work.
For jupyter-tldraw, I am currently using the old version 1 of tldraw, but now there is a new version 2.
The [docs](https://tldraw.dev/docs/ucg/installation) say I should install like this:
When trying to use the LonBoard option within leafmap, to display a gdf with the following command
leafmap.view_vector(location_results_gdf, get_fill_color=[0, 0, 255, 128])
I receive the…
### Documentation Link
_No response_
### Issue
So far, all the examples using the decorator of @anywidget.experimental.command use synchronous methods only.
I tried slightly changed official dem…