Rather than use a static image for the favicon and the social media share cards, it would be better to update those image files each time the scrape runs to accurately reflect the odds.
- Take a s…
"Google Showtimes was discontinued on November 1, 2016. You can now discover showtimes on the search results page by searching for the name of the movie you want to see or try searching for the word “…
I'm impressed by this piece of software. Lots of potential in it. But I feel like, that without proper scraping functionalities or connections to API's like https://metadataapi.net/, this can't compet…
Over the past month or so I've had issues with keeping accounts reliability logged in. I'm authenticating via username/email and password when I do log in and things tend to work for a while.
Hi I enjoyed your Medium article https://medium.com/@Jachowskii/how-to-build-a-backtesting-engine-in-python-using-pandas-bc8e532a9e95 and managed to find your github repo. Are you open to expanding th…
When looking at one can see that Scrapy and Curl are also tested. It is however unclear how to support such non-interactive stacks myself with this framework.
An assignment contains multiple plugi…
# 📌 Ongoing Information 📌
**Website: [Corona Data Scraper](http://blog.lazd.net/coronadatascraper/#home)**
_Download data and view sources_
**GitHub: [Corona Data Scraper](https://github.com/lazd…
The bot should have some way to automatically figure out what the correct answers are for a given day. Otherwise, the owner will have to do daily manual maintenance
Write about how to automate archiving process.
Starting point:
Task scheduler/cron
Currently have an issue using load_fb_advanced_match_stats() when select "ESP" as the country and "summary" as the stat_type, seems to work for other leagues.