Hi !
Thank you for snakemake,
I'm working on a project that aims to analyse big files (SRA files) and i want to store them in GCP buckets.
I'm working on a Google cloud plateform Virtual mac…
boto.s3.connection.Connection() supports bunch of extra options, including:
* anon=True for read-only connection to public S3 shares
* proxy, proxy_port etc for HTTP(S) proxy options
* custom host…
El botó de feedbak que hi ha en el menú superior hauria d'obrir-se en una pestanya nova, ja que no forma part de la vostra web, i per tant es trenca la navegació.
* Ermengol *
Al panell lateral podries incloure l'embed del xat per poder escriure. Per defecte està bé que només es mostri el xat, però amb un botó toggle es podria canviar per l'embed del propi Twitch, que si es…
In our organization we use S3 bucket names with `:` (such as `s3://domain:bucket/path/file.txt`) which come from our Ceph system. If we try to use s3fs with such a bucket name we get an error:
If there is a system-wide /etc/boto.cfg, and someone runs "gsutil config", it will copy the entire contents of /etc/boto.cfg into ~/.boto (along with the new information added by the config subcommand…
E.g. selecting a `t1.micro` instance without EBS storage, or with an EBS that's too small. These exceptions are currently dumped to the shell as stack traces full of XML, which isn't friendly.
With a London bucket:
[root@backup1 ~]# z3 backup --full --dry-run
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/z3", line 9, in
load_entry_point('z3==0.1.14', 'console_scripts',…
Inspired by @aaronkanzer pointer to docs on how integration is happening for zarrs in LINC in
- https://github.com/dandi/dandi-archive/pull/2063
but I guess in many cases for simple .nwb we would …
boto.s3.connection.Connection() supports bunch of extra options, including:
* anon=True for read-only connection to public S3 shares
* proxy, proxy_port etc for HTTP(S) proxy options
* custom host…