Are the pretrained weights generated by using `create_yolo_caffemodel.py`?
If I want to train the model on my own what would the process be? Should I first train yolo by darknet and then use `creat…
The link provided for PeeleNet pretrained model(peleenet_inet_acc7243.caffemodel) is of the classification model.Where can I find the pretrained .caffemodel for Object detection?
Also which .prototxt…
HI, I successed in dumping out the prototxt and caffemodel ,I am having problems when loading prototxt and caffemodel in pycaffe interface ,
When I use HDF5 type data for training, and the weights are saved as snapshot_format: HDF5.
If I don't use the batchnorm+scale layer, everything goes well.
But when I add the bn+scale layer, the tra…
Hi everyone,
In this project, the author provide the pretrain model file(model.bin). Would you mind to tell me how different the .caffemodel file and .bin file?
Thanks for author's excellent wor…
I trained a model on DIGITS for object detection. I followed this website: https://github.com/NVIDIA/DIGITS/tree/master/examples/object-detection
I then downloaded the model which included deploy.pro…
Hi @foreverYoungGitHub , in your reply : For example, the positive : part : negative= 1 : 3 : 3 at the beginning, while it will change to positive : part : negative= 1 : 5 : 3 in the next iteration…
你好,我照着其它的教程可以从 pt -> onnx -> caffemodel,但是看你这个caffemodel节点里没有onnx,所以想请教一下。
This Framework segfaults when I try to convert my onnx model to a caffemodel. Any leads on how to progress with the situation?
I tried converting a LeNet ONNX model to a protoxt and caffemodel equi…
models 里面 的 bin和 param 不是用里面的 caffemodel 转的吗? 为什么我用caffemodel 检测会出错,不准确呢?