Join via https://bluejeans.com/917304424
Add the [recurring bi-weekly AQAvit meeting to your calendar](https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MHA0ODE3bTJsYnIybHA3MXMxdm81c2swbzdfMj…
**Name of the Spark NLP feature whose docs need improvement:**
Linear Chain CRF
**What you think the docs should say:**
Hi, I want to thank you for this great NLP project first.
I am new to N…
Azul wants to publish Azul Zulu builds of OpenJDK at the Adoptium marketplace.
The aqa-tests results for Linux platform build (zulu8.54.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.292-linux_x64) for sanity.system, extended.sys…
Migrating this information from a spreadsheet to an issue, to facilitate discussion and keep everything in one place. This is a mono-issue for the client-side features related to the new project based…
1. What version of Python are you using?
Python 3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May 3 2021, 11:48:03) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
2. What operating system and processor architecture are you using…
Email from Roxy@Savvy
# Fixed
- [x] Accounting Clerk - I used this link as it was the closest I could find. Should I change the course name on our landing page, or should I be using a different li…
**How to categorize this issue?**
/area dev-productivity
/kind enhancement
/platform aws
**What would you like to be added**:
Update CRDs under `example` to `apiextensions.k8s.io/v1`, e.g. …
**pip version**
**Python version**
Windows 10
**Additional information**
After upgrading pip to latest version i.e. 21.0.1, I am unable to install any other pack…
I read and tried what's in other threads without success. This is the error:
python -c "import requests; requests.get('https://acciseonline.agenziadogane.it')"
Same as the closed issue 78, I am also experienceing this issue.
all downloaded but no video files.
videos are downloaded for some AWS trainings, but not for my azure ((like az-104).
[*] :…