**Describe the Feature**
Summarize previous chats to make space for context while remembering previous important events and actions and leave recent 2-3 responses as is.
example ->https://github.com…
### Motivation and Context
### Description
### Contribution Checklist
- [ ] The code builds clean without any errors or warnings
- [ ] The PR follows the [SK Contribution Guideli…
### Steps to reproduce
1. Open the link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=28:b8a22302e-9303-4e54-b348-343232
2. New users who open this link to chat with the bot will experience Teams fr…
When using the bot in a group chat, an error or bug will occur "waiting for this message...." but it can run normally in private chat.
so when i try to parse nbt chat for 1.20.3 and 1.20.4 its either a blank message or the bot reads it incorrectly
const loadPrismarineChat = require('prismarine-chat')
const kaboomChatParser =…
Nazim hi. please tell me how to solve the problem. the bot ( dialogbase )does not respond in private messages business account telegram, apparently you need to take into account when connecting busine…
hello, can't authorize client via telegram
if !client.is_authorized().await? {
if state.awaiting_phone_number {
if let Some(phone) = msg.text() {
What if there was a chat bot that automatically picks up order-up links, waits for the order to go through, then sends a chat message telling everyone how much they owe.
Check this out though:
About Claudia.js
Nueva arquitectura: https://sifragc-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/rodrigo_mendoza_overcastmx_com/EZmMod0Ehd9MvzpzcH6Z76EBpm0S1DJJpbXZu0B287IfLA?e=eqsMDY