I am using Azure for storing everything and the authentication works e.g.
from clearml import Dataset
dataset = Dataset.create(dataset_name="sanity_test", dataset_project="LOGOCube")
It would be useful to have a readme to reproduce the benchmarks. For instance I found that for running cifar multi-gpu resnet on TF I needed to do
`pip install scikit-image`
Also, it seems to look…
Hi,I meet "AttributeError" when running "cifar_train.py". Could you please tell me how to fix it ?
Downloading https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-python.tar.gz to ./datasets/imbalance_cifar1…
Hi authors,
The idea of ICT is really interesting, and I want to reproduce the results in the paper. However, the result is really bad when I change the --num_labeled parameter to 100 and 200. For ex…
(flashatt) yangyk@yyk-s1:~/yangyk/NN_CUDA/lsq/lsq-net$ python main.py ./examples/lsq/resnet20_a2w2_cifar10.yaml
INFO - Log file for this run: /home/yangyk/y…
So I tried running your code on CIFAR-10 with a pre-trained ResNet50 model. I've attached the code below.
My accuracy however does not come nearly as close to the float model which is around 9…
I tried to modify the cifar-10 image dataset into the ECG dataset MIT through the official moco demo code to do the transfer learning of comparative learning.
My current problem is that the m…
Hello, thank you for providing all of this code for your experiments!
I was trying to download the pre-trained model weights for the WideResNets and it seems that both the CIFAR-10 version and the …
Thank you to the author for your work,but I'm curious how to train to get ADM-IP on the CiFar-10 dataset. The FID values I obtained during iterations were significantly higher than the ones reported i…
In the ResNet publication they propose a different architecture where it comes to CIFAR-10 right?
> The plain/residual architectures follow the form in Fig. 3 (middle/right). The network inp…