I’ve tried sharing a contact however I’m getting an iCloud has stop responding error.
Error: ShareRecord: Unable to find applicationIdentifier for containerId = iCloud.com.myd…
I would love it if the backups to iCloud for iOS could be client side encrypted as I believe by default it is not e2ee encrypted by advanced data protection even, and also support (https://2fas.com/su…
Do you have plans to implement the registerForNotifications feature?
Hello guys!
I am working to update my app to the latest features that iOS 10 offers. Sharing cloudkit, siri, ...
I am using your yapDatabaseCloudKitExtension to avoid dealing with ugly local data ca…
Code could be added to detect changes to the user's iCloud account status so the connectStatus property value is automatically updated and (possibly) severed connections can be automatically restored.…
Basically, CloudKit doesn't return the `fetchUserRecordID` if iCloudDrive is disabled in Settings even if the user is logged into iCloud.
I am not sure weather this is the way it should work or if …
I was wondering if it would be possible to have Seam set up as a [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage) framework, in addition to CocoaPods. I'm not sure what the process for doing so is, so…
I'm trying to implement an app with sync between iOS and macOS.
Now I'm at the pint where a notofication from CloudKit should trigger the sync. On iOS everything works fine, but not on macOS. If I st…
I implemented CKPrettyError and have used it in some of the operations but some more need changed, if you agree to how it has been implemented. It matches how ObjC CloudKit works, it did cross my mind…
Trying to save a new CKRecord to the public database results in this error:
> Error Domain=CKErrorDomain Code=11 "(null)" UserInfo={serverErrorCode=BAD_REQUEST, _ckErrorCode=BAD_REQUEST, reason=atomi…