The window disappears when I right-click and select "options"->"Text"->"Select" (in the "font" area).
I'm using cygwin on Windows 10. "Options->About" tells me it's mintty 2.3.3 (x86_64-pc-cygwin).…
Not an issue persay, but I really love your colour scheme in the WSL preview screenshot. Any chance you could post your config?
For some weird reason, i cant get gruvbox light working nicely on ConEmu. but here is my dark version.
Color scheme - https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox-contrib/
I am working on a Windows machine and I am trying to send a line of R-code to the Rgui. When I hit ctrl+enter, I advance to the next line in R-Box, but nothing gets sent to the Rgui. I have tried th…
After upgrading to 2.49, I'm getting a weird ugly pale brown color (#EEE8D5) as the background color of the Console tab (and conemu embedded in popups when git is working), but regular colors when lau…
Any plans to create a Cmder theme? Would be awesome to get both Sublime and Cmder using the same theme.
I ran the script and it seems like it worked but I don't see the theme in colors??
please have 256 color support. thanks!
When I use the "agnoster" theme, I'm expecting to see what is shown here:
![Agnoster zsh theme](http://www.rogoit.de/webdesign-typo3-blog-duisburg/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/oh-my-zsh-agnoster-git.png…
Rolling TODO list thread No. 2. Previous thread is #69.
Possible improvements we'd like to see:
- [ ] Document APIs in NumPy format [owner @jarun]
- [ ] [Refactor and write unit tests](https://g…