I am wondering if Robinson: The Journey is working with Revive?
It is made by Crytek who made The climb. So I assume it works too?
Many thanks.
Me again! 😝
In the `loadMaterialTextures(...)` function, where you check if the texture has already been loaded:
if(textures_loaded[j].path == str)
From https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/gltf-pipeline/pull/203/:
> The glTF spec does not define `NORMAL` and `TANGENT` attributes. See
> https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master…
the trigger issue is solved somehow - it works perfect, great game. But in the options menu i can't move any of the sliders to adjust the aliasing or ssao and all the other settings. Don't know if its…
I tried to run examples from http://www.ospray.org/demos.html
"Richtmyer-Meshkov" ```ospGlutViewer magnetic-1024-iso.x3d``` has red to magenta color instead of blue like on the image.
From personal email
> While decimating a test .obj such as Crytek Sponza, libigl runs out of memory (@ ~30 gb)
> Any plans to optimize the memory usage?
Debug version of the Sandbox asserts on a condition (m_CurrContext->m_pBackBuffer == m_pBackBuffer) in DriverD3D.cpp, line 1648 (we are still on CryE 3.8.6)
As describe [here](http://forums.torque3d.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5).
I'm doing some short tests with different scene setups. Managed to load Crytek's **Atrium Sponza** and 3drender.com's **Natural History Museum**, but the SDK fails to handle **San Miguel**. (Firs…
Привет, Сергей
Не удается просмотреть демки движка (напр. scene rendering), потому что жалуется на отсутствие, например, sponza.etm.
Может ты зальешь все нужные файлы для демок, чтобы скомпилил, запу…