If you have any feedback on the scope of the Nav 2 API usability project and the approach we are taking, please leave your comments below. I encourage you to check out the project's [overview page](ht…
Hi David:
I'm having sporadic crashes on Catalina. This usually happens when I try to open a menu. I don't know if this fixes it, but I found a patched version of Emacs here https://debbugs.gnu.o…
When using EZNavigationController on a navigation controller within a UITabBarController that has a controller with `hidesBottomBarWhenPushed` enabled, there is an effect where the destination view co…
If you are interested on updates to the TypeScript web infra, you can subscribe to this issue by clicking down and to the right. I'll comments with project updates. I try to do 3 days on web infra, an…
while hide tab bar - PBPopView frame not align to bottom of superview
## Steps to Reproduce
This issue only affects our iOS builds.
1. Create and run an application that displays some images
2. Suspend the app and leave it in background for a while (usually a m…
I have sentry running and looked at my logs - for this error sentry was triggered 237 times in 1 day !.
If the URL is invalid, not found or malformed - I was under the impression that an **error w…
I have two demo target:
1. set up windows's rootViewController with custom UITabBarController
2. set up other ViewController and change the rootViewController to custom UITabBarController by the lib…
- 1,图片编辑是否可以增加画笔功能 ?
- 2,