total_instances is not total instances (len(prs)) but ix+1
I was processing cwa data from UK Biobank. The available core number of the server I used was 72, I also set do.parallel=T. I want to process faster, so I tried both snowfall package and shell script …
| Scenario | Environment | Date | Old Build (KB) | New Build (KB) | Change | Deviation | StDev | Dependencies |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | -------------- | -------------- | ------ | --------- |…
My local computer account: "MyUser" (which is a part of the local "Administrators" group)
On Windows 10 Pro (yes I know it isn't officially supported but SSM reports the OS fine in "Inventory"):
I'm encountering an error while using the OpenAIRealtimeBetaLLMService. The error message is: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'input_tokens'.
This error occurs in pipecat.services.openai_realtim…
all events being ingested from the citrix waf log are erroring with a "Provided Grok expressions do not match field value: " error
[ 2024/03/04:17:59:39 GMT 0-PPE-1 : default API CMD_EXECUTED 1495…
# Reproduce
1. Use an arbitrary plugin that contains `InfoAPI::render()`. *E.g. [ProfanityFilter](https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/ProfanityFilter)*
2. Compose a template which involves the base context.
### Environment
- Operating System: `Darwin`
- Node Version: `v16.16.0`
- Nuxt Version: `3.0.0`
- Nitro Version: `1.0.0`
- Package Manager: `npm@8.11.0`
- Builder: `vite`
**Describe the bug**
When collectd network output plugin reports "nan" for a GAUGE value, CWA adds a 0-value metric data point.
**Steps to reproduce**
I'm using the collectd tail input plugin to …
- Liberation RX version: 1.8.19
- Terrain: Takistan
- Dedicated server: yes
- Server mods: CUP Terrains - Core, CUP Terrains - Maps, CUP Terrains - CWA, CBA_A3, CUP Weapons, CUP Units, CUP Vehicles…