Firstly, thanks a lot for the neodash tool in general, and especially for the new query translator feature. We have been testing this for several databases and made very good experience with it.
### What happened?
With `rowversion` hatch enabled:
exec sp_babelfish_configure 'babelfishpg_tsql.escape_hatch_rowversion', 'ignore'
If we create the following DB:
### Search first
- [X] I searched and no similar issues were found
### What Happened?
This feedback mainly focuses on features instead of bugs (or I have no idea if it's a bug or feature).
## Issue
Upon uploading keywords, the scraping will be performed via:
1. A worker
### Title of the resource
Data and Databases: An Introduction
### Resource type
Hosted Resource
### Authors, editors and contributors
Emily Genatowski, James Baille
### Topics (keywords)
- Fetch harmonized records from api or database
- use an algorithm which detects similarity between 2 records based on title, abstract, keywords
- consider translated content and make sure records are…
It should not be possible, even accidentally or by the result of a programming error, to add an entry to table "keywords" that duplicates a value already present.
You have check the number of dupli…
- Efcore seems to be unable to translate a `static readonly ICollection` & `static readonly IList` field into a query when using it inside of a `.Contains()` When removing the `static` keyword it seem…
PGSync version: 2.3.3
Postgres version: 15
Elasticsearch version: 7.17.7
Redis version: 7.0.5
Python version: 3.7.15
Problem Description: ElasticSearch isn't updated for one_to_many rel…
Issue location: /dynamic_models/models.py:254
That is:
>>class ModelFieldSchema(GenericModel, GenericField):
>> objects = ModelFieldSchemaManager()
>> null = models.BooleanField(default=Fals…