Thank you for your excellent work. It seems that the current repository does not contain the code to retrieve relevant documents using a query. Could you please provide this portion of the code to com…
Putting this out there as a way to alleviate the _many_ dependencies issues. I'll soon be shipping a PLAID (&compression, that will come later)-free indexing method, which will alleviate the need to r…
I am experiencing the following error while doing the embedding,
> (fastMSA) csl:~/Dense-Homolog-Retrieval$ python3 do_embedding.py trainer.ur90_path=/home/csl/D
There are open source implementation and resources available for training QA models. We should collect and discuss those resources here. Once the discussion converges, we should use the frameworks for…
Paper title: Active Retrieval Augmented Generation ([link to paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.06983))
Estimated time to complete the review: by 08/28/23
If you are new to Manifold, here are some he…
When I typed in the following command,
`torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 run_casp.py scripts/configs/train_casp_moco.yaml`
I found that the training was progressing too slowly, taking over 20 hours.…
Some MMTEB datasets include only some of their respective many languages.
For example [Multilingual Miracl](https://github.com/embeddings-benchmark/mteb/blob/main/mteb/tasks/Retrieval/multilingual/…
Submitting Author:
- Cuthbert Chow (@cuthchow)
- Tianwei Wang (@Davidwang11)
- Siqi Tao (@SiqiTao)
- Jessie Wong (@jessie14)
Package Name: CovidTracker
One-Line Description of Package: C…
I am new to TensorFlow, in fact, I started exploring this library 2-3 weeks ago, because I am doing an internship where my project is a Recommender System.
I could follow all the tutorials availabl…