I studied your tutorial materials.
But most of them are drawing pictures into new file.
How could I open/load/read existing dwg file??
## I'm submitting a _feature request_
## *Brief Description*
Let DWG add ticket numbers to flagged changesets. The DWG has an internal tool to track reports. The request is to …
It would be even better to support *.DWG
I'm currently trying to convert a DWG file to a PNG file. The thing is, how do I rotate the image so it's always top-view?
I see PngOptions has a property called Rotation. But it doesn't look …
Hoort het script tussen autocad en dwg blocks ook tot de functionaliteit van de database? Wat is de relatie met de database?
Wie beheert dit script, wie is eigenaar?
I successfully convert the dwg file to geojson but all the attributes are missing.
For example
In my dwg file I have something like this
I use AutoCAD to draw a random drawing and save it as DWG. The DXF file generated by running DWG 2dxf cannot be opened by AutoCAD. If you open it with notpad + +, you will see a lot of black "NUL". Th…
D:\emsdk\libredwg\test\test-data\2018>dwg2dxf taihe.dwg taihe.dxf
Reading DWG file taihe.dwg
Warning: checksum: 0x32761371 (calculated) mismatch
Warning: Invalid section_array_size: [8827].7…
We have a situation, when we have DWG_VERSION_TYPE definitions in include/dwg.h, but this is related to DWG file, not to AutoCAD release.
Intent behind this is, that we need to define AutoCAD versi…