The imlementet theme solution looks interesting - but if you want to use the themes feature you have to use '@ezdesign' in your bundles for ez override templates.
The Bundle https://github.com/liip/L…
`BinaryLoader->find($path)` (https://github.com/netgen/ezpublish-kernel/blob/master/eZ/Bundle/EzPublishCoreBundle/Imagine/BinaryLoader.php#L42) returns an `Liip\ImagineBundle\Model\Binary`even if $pat…
The bundle works perfect in dev.
But in production I get this error.
Variable "nova_ezseo" does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error - Twig_Error_Runtime
Stack Trace
in vendor/novactive/ezs…
I have a "ezselection" field type in my form with three options. 1,2,3
when I select 1 in frontend and submit the form, in ez backoffice I see 2 is selected and when I select 2 in my form in fronte…
There's file which stores cache for Hash Response (`_fos_user_context_hash` request). By default `Vary` is set to `['Cookie', 'Authorization']`. Let's imagine we have 10 anonymous users with different…
Currently variable injection is made thanks to `MVCEvents::PRE_CONTENT_VIEW`.
This is mainly to keep BC with eZ 5.4.
eZ Platform 1.0 (`ezpublish-kernel` 6.0) introduced [a new view mechanism](http…
After setting a new installation of ezplatform up I cannot install this migration tool.
This is the composer file of the new ez install, plus the additional line for this migration tool in the requ…
Since the new QueryType controller has been introduce for override rules in eZ Platform, it's not possible any more to use ParamProvider to inject new variable in a template.
Debugger step by step is…
I have an this error when I do a cache clear in prod environement :
Undefined class constant 'self::STATE_PROCESSING' in XXX/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Proxy/ProxyGenerator.php …
setup a Solr Search as descriped here https://doc.ez.no/display/EZP/Solr+Search+Engine+Bundle
You will discover the following problem:
If you move an object via the legacy stack (for exa…