Hi, not sure how else to ask you so this is an issue (can be closed if having open ones bother you).
I'm currently trying to poke around and locate up to date matchup projections. I know that throu…
Does anyone know the latest game key for the 2020 fantasy football season. I cannot seem to find it.
As I mentioned in my other [recent post about free agents](https://github.com/cwendt94/espn-api/issues/127), last year I created a local copy and made some additions. Dusting it off for this season an…
Hello, I have successfully created an app with a subsequent client id/secret. As well, in test.py I have changed the auth_dir variable to the private.json file path; however, after running test.py I g…
Import channeltags or contenttype (genre) from Tvheadend as TIF channelgroups,
Reported here: https://plus.google.com/103039730249812922520/posts/NranWJn3uuJ
kiall updated
4 years ago
I may be missing something regarding working with the 2020 season, but it seems as though there is not box_score information for the week 1 upcoming season 2020. I looked through the JSON views accor…
## 🐛 Bug Report
Filing bug per #7732 https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/7732#issuecomment-460676324
Jest v24 takes 38 seconds vs v23 28 seconds to run 50 suites (296 tests).
## To Rep…
This renders nflgame useless at the moment. I will be looking into how we can make historic data usable in the worst case scenarios like this.
It appears some sources are not working.
df % as.data.frame()
leads to
> df % as.data.frame()
Scraping QB projections from
This will be going into https://github.com/landonp1203/yahoo-fantasy-football-api-wrapper