Hello. Thanks for your great work.
I am new to the COCO dataset. Can you tell me how can I get the cocosplit file for this code?
Newbie experimenting with ZS and FS learning but get lost. So wish to get some sense out of the following question.
I guess my task is a topic modelling case. I have a few class names which are dom…
Thank you very much for sharing your amazing work!
I am a complete beginner in computer vision.
I would like to do few-shot segmentation in 5-shot setting using BAM with my image data.
I have 5…
Can we do Few shot learning on top Gorilla API to teach a different set of API's. Say making set of microservices API calls.
If yes, can you share some reference or documentation around it?
I trained a gpt model using this repo. I tried to produce text using few shot learning like the one below:
Message: Support has been terrible for 2 weeks...
Sentiment: Negative
Message: I…
您好,我对这个模型的训练过程有一些疑惑。在github提到了“Base Training”和“Few Shot Fine-tuning”两种训练模式,可否具体介绍一下这两种训练模式是什么意思呢。
此外我注意到您论文中表格使用的是Few Shot Fine-tuning的实验结果,但相同设置下github中的结果高于论文中所写的,比如论文中VOC Split1 Shot10是67.1,而git…
I try to reproduce your one-shpt results on nas-bench 201.
By running the code
and eval
Could anyone please inform me the best configurations to train the model ? I try to use the following configurations but it shows errors
for apex package. The apex packege can be solve if i use t…