It would be nice to have support for a Fitbit tracker.
With the FitBit API [https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/devices/](url) we can retrieve the number of devices, the battery, id and lastSyncTime.
This is…
**Home Assistant release (`hass --version`):**
**Python release (`python3 --version`):**
Python 3.4.1
## Acceptance Criteria
+ [x] As a user, who has clicked on Sleep tracker in the Toolkit page, I am taken to a page where I am invited to input data about my sleep.
+ [x] As a user, I must use a s…
## Acceptance Criteria
+ [x] As a user, viewing my tracking graph, first I see my [time period] average.
+ [x] As a user, viewing my tracking graph, below the [time period] averages, the tracking d…
I've tried to modify the bindActivityData function to return the step value for a particular day. I've tried the following:
Steps_ daily = activities.getBest().getTracker().getSteps();
This is for tracking the PRs for the migration to voluptuous ([story](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/127528299)).
## Sensors
- [x] apcupsd #2954
- [x] arduino #3737
- [x] arest #3487
Love the tool and just set it up with HomeAssistant,one thing I noticed is when the device is out of range of the beacon, it long longer sends any update on the MQTT...so HomeAssistant keeps the last …
`@IBAction func stratAuth(sender: AnyObject) {
let oauthswift = OAuth2Swift(
consumerKey: "xxx",
consumerSecret: "xxx",
authorizeUrl: "https://www.fitbit.com/oaut…
Remember to follow the [pre bug report](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/blob/master/doc/reporting_bugs/pre_bug_report.md) guide beforehand. Failure to do so might get your issue closed.
ghost updated
7 years ago