After run this command
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port 12345 inference_refine_1D_cam.py \
--config ./config/otavatar.yaml \
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues and checked the recent builds/commits
### What happened?
it was working fine few hours ago but now it wont lunch
Namespace(gpus=4, dataset='carla', xid='', resolution=32, batch_size=8, run_inversion=False, resume_from=None, root_path='.', data_path='../data/nerf', iterations=300000, lr_g=0.0025, lr_d=0.002,…
The tool is nice, but does not work with custom image yet.
1. get error when uploaded image is not in size 1024*1024
2. will automatically change back to the demo image when "drag it" is clicked
when i run train_OSGA.sh by gpu, i receive this trace, how i fix this?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "generalized_one_shot_adaption.py", line 401, in
Hi Alan,
Thank you for making a great seismic modeling and inversion package. I have followed the code GAN for FWI which he used your wave propagator code for generate the data as given in the foll…
Hi. I'm asking for help because I'm currently having trouble running the command in 'demo'.
Here my environment:
OS: WSL2 Ubuntu (Windows 11)
Cuda Version(nvidia-smi):
Hi Sergei, thank you for your amazing research and this repo. By following the readme, I was able to generate the CoreML model and I noticed that the generated model fully runs on ANE in my testing wh…
pSp has BatchNorm2 layer. Do multiple GPUs need to change it to SyncBatchNorm?