Thanks for the great work.I was looking into how we can actually interpret the image classification results.First of all, how can I create a simple demo script where I can load a single/ folder of ima…
Which changes should i make to use it with unet which has a sigmoid layer at the end and no softmax and fully connected layer?
hi @szagoruyko thanks for your great work.
but, how do i use my own caffe (just follow your instruction to install it: `CAFFE_DIR=/*path-to-caffe-root*/ luarocks install caffe`), to make it behave as…
# Paper skeleton
## Abstract
* Model performance on datasets (Liver, Colon, Prostrate(maybe))
* Main content of the paper
## Introduction
1. Motivation
1. Include why
2. Pathologists a…
Hello, I have a suggestion for you. Since you have implement the methods so you understand very well the ideas behind these methods I would recommend you to explain what are the main difference betwee…
Where can I find the "build_utils”?How does it work?
Hi, thanks for the repo!
I had a go at using the GradCam for a VGG16 network I am building using transfer learning, and I was not able to get any results. This led me to search for other techniques…
Thank you for this git! Is fantastic.
I'm having problems tying to use this for binary classification.
Can you show an example using it?