On a fresh digital ocean ubuntu droplet:
root@signup:~/SignupQRScanner# npm install
npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/xmlhttprequest/1.6.0
npm ERR! peerinvalid The package grunt-contrib…
1、安装 grunt
npm i grunt
2、grunt 默认配置文件是 gruntfile.js,它导出一个函数,函数第一个参数是 grunt 实例,运行命令时,会默认执行名为 default 任务。
3、通过 `grunt.registerTask(name[, descrition[, otherTasks]], callback)` 注册命…
Improve the "Spawn Grunt Randomly" spawning, since it currently picks the first area it finds which is going the be the same one every time.
Hey @sindresorhus
I deprecated grunt-compass with the npm deprecate command, is that all I need to do to deprecate it correctly?
Probably better as grunt-chinstrap than in chinstrap directly.
Create a [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com) plugin, probably called `grunt-atomify`.
When I run the cmd like this
grunt serve
the error display as below
Running "concurrent:ionic" (concurrent) task
Running "ionic:serve" (ionic) task
Thanks for sharing this sample. I follow your blogs closely and always find something useful.
This one is of particular interest because it includes optimizing/bundling.
However I am getting errors on…
@dce - I created a local copy of master and merged the humanitarian-scope branch (ngo-admin repo). The form styles were off, so i ran 'npm run grunt' (and ./node_modules/.bin/grunt) to compile/copy…
I have just converted to Mac OS Yosemite, and this is my first experience with Mac environment.
I have been able to run this repo on a Wndows 8.1 machine, had to do my share of custom settings for Ho…