$ gulp
[16:15:07] Warning: gulp version mismatch:
[16:15:07] Global gulp is 3.9.0
[16:15:07] Local gulp is 3.8.11
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module './dependencies/Template…
zanjs updated
9 years ago
Evey time i run gulp-protractor i got the following issue
read ECONNRESET from https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/2.47/selenium-server-standalone-2.47.1.jar
Error: Got error Error:…
I don't normally use it but wouldn't mind throwing some things in that I would like to learn about. As long as they don't cause more trouble than they're worth. Good writeup on drupal and gulp: htt…
Actualicei Gulp para que se execute sen ter que baixar de versión de npm, nas miñas probas funcionou ben, se tedes problemas decideme e miro.
How are you actually mimifying and concatenating css and js files ?
I suppose it's Something like Gulp or Grunt but I'm not seeing any of them in the app directory
Create gulp task to distribute the frontend to the webapp of the backend server.
Hi there. I really like this plugin. Any thoughts about making it tool-agnostic? I'd love to use it in [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com).
Are there any options to run `gulp serve` instead of `watch`
After cloning the repo, I run `npm install` then `gulp` and I get the following error message.
```boltly master % gulp
[13:07:33] Using gulpfile ~/Development/boltly/gulpfile.js
[13:07:33] Starti…