## 1. Introduction
**Confidentiality, privacy, and security**
Confidentiality is limiting access and disclosure on certain types of information to ensure personal information is secured. Privacy…
Thinking about what to add to the default meta.
- Event source:
- Aggregate type (as it's not necessarily encoded in the stream name)
- Application name
- Application version
- Command ty…
### Description
I've been having severe trouble implementing authentication and authorization in Blazor Hybrid apps.
While the guide has a lot of code, I'm not quite sure how to properly integr…
- home: https://wavelinks.eu/explore (public view)
- Contains tables of:
- Projects
- Stakeholders
- Engagement methods
- Citizen Science
- Funding
- Policy & Legislation
- Servi…
Tracking updates of usa.experian.com
### Core Library
MSAL Node (@azure/msal-node)
### Core Library Version
### Wrapper Library
Not Applicable
### Wrapper Library Version
### Public or Confidential Client?
Would be nice to have keybase.io available as a TOR hidden service at some point.
Duck Duck Go does this: http://search.slashdot.org/story/10/09/25/0242244/DuckDuckGo-Search-Engine-Erects-Tor-Hidden-…
Tracking updates of foundation.wikimedia.org
Survey Q1 + Starting thesis ```10 jan``` {job next to thesis}
Also interested in the problem of _online trust_. General intro and overview by Bruce {rockstar of security research} [Ten Risks of PKI…
This is related to #9
An example scenario:
1. User authenticates with a compromised application
1. The application is allowed to make modifications to the discovery mechanism
1. Compromised app…