Hier scheint der Inhalt verlorenzugehen.
Siehe https://github.com/faustedit…
It would be nice to have a button in app entry that brings me the next or previous app entry. Would enable to read the text along the app entries. `print/app` does not replace this since it is based o…
Right now, `speaker[hi]` is transformed to `ParagraphStyle/Sprecher`.
The result is that all its content is rendered as all-caps which is not intended.
For an improved handling see https://github.co…
JFTR, weil ich gerade die Mails durchgehe.
> > Wenn ich die Kommentare ab Zeile 20 Deiner Excel-Datei genauer
> studiere, dann komme ich zu dem Fazit, dass bspw. eine Anpassung der
> IDML-Synth…
Could you exclude `*[@type='type_8']/ancestor::note[@type='textcrit']` from the footnotes and output them as a bunch of single paragraphs?
See https://github.com/faustedition/faust-gen-html/blob/mast…
- [x] https://github.com/faustedition/faust-gen-html/blob/master/idml/idml.md#bandtitel
- [x] https://github.com/faustedition/faust-gen-html/blob/master/idml/idml.md#ba-zentr-00-nach-teil-vorspielpro…
@pglatza, nur wenn es praktisch keine Arbeit macht:
Könntest du mit `note[@type = 'textcrit'][descendant::*[@type= 'type_4a']]` genauso verfahren, wie du es bereits nach #496 mit `@type= 'type_8'` tu…
@pglatza, this is maybe similar to #494.
`abbr` has undermined the assignment of the `Kursiv` format in the IDML transformation, see @markusciupke|s report https://github.com/faustedition/faust-gen-h…