So...Privacy redirect labels websites like Youtube, Twitter, Instagram or other Google services as not privacy friendly, that's why it adds a privacy redirect for them. But then it redirects Reddit to…
Hi, i started using your awesome library for my application, but i didn't found how to get list of user's draft posts in your API. Would be glad if you could help me with this
It would be great if we can have a example build for an Android app so that the best practices are followed in implementing other OAuth providers.
**Provide us a use case of the feature**
Currently a user can download various types of content from an Instagram account, such as IGTV, Stories, Highlights, and Photos. IN early August, 2020, Instag…
> BucketListers is an organization whose aim is to help you find "bucket list" events in your city. Their goal is for you to : "EXPLORE YOUR CITY
> Discover the best in events, ex…
I have a problem. But first thank you for making this extension. The malfunction that occurs with this is new & used to not happen. There is a choice in the instagram extension for mobile layout, I do…
Tracking updates of help.instagram.com
## Steps to reproduce
Copy a deeplink app link (i.e., instagram://media?id=3208569613735105624)
Paste in browser and go or Paste & Go
### Expected behavior
A prompt appears to open the app for the de…
i check after login redirect from verification
code $insta = $instagram->saveSession(); at login.php
just save