Summing doesn't seem supported at all with numpy arrays:
>>> np.sum(vector.array({"x": [1], "y": [1]}))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "", line 5, in…
This is the non-dask version of what I'm trying to do (using [this file](https://github.com/iris-hep/func_adl_uproot/blob/4c1432057c84ffbe2628a271543201bde80cb01b/tests/vectors_tree_file.root)):
### Description of new feature
Trying to slice an Awkward Array in too many dimensions raises a helpful error:
>>> import awkward as ak, dask_awkward as dak
>>> a = ak.Array([1])
>>> …
For example:
>>> import awkward as ak, dask_awkward as dak
>>> a = ak.Array([[{'a': 1}]])
>>> da = dak.from_awkward(a, 1)
>>> da_concat = dak.concatenate([da, da], axis=1)
>>> da_con…
>>> import awkward as ak, dask_awkward as dak, vector
>>> vector.register_awkward()
>>> a = ak.Array([{'x': 1, 'y': 1}])
>>> da = dak.from_awkward(a, 1)
>>> dv = dak.with_na…
We'll be organizing a demo day on Friday 16.12.2022 at 11am Central, 5pm Central European Time.
- Dependency management for complex analysis at coffea-casa facility + JWT gen…
At the moment the package index to upload the distributions is hardcoded to https://anaconda.org/scientific-python-nightly-wheels
> I didn't realize inactive repos have their actions switched off. What do we need to do; a monthly empty commit?
_Originally posted by @stefanv in https://github.com/scientific-python/upload-night…
ServiceX endpoints running 1.1.4 require an updated set of frontend libraries (`pip install servicex-clients` works for that at the moment).
### Summary
@kskovpen noted on the IRIS-HEP Slack that they were having issues with older NumPy versions and `pyhf` `v0.7.1`:
File "", line 1, in
File "/user/kskovpen/.local/lib/pytho…