Some convenience improvements should be performed at any time:
- [x] Allow `Fedot.fit` to get path to `features` and `target` via `Path` objects.
- [x] Write explicit docstring for `Fedot.fit`.
With click's CliRunner I've noticed that it throws a ValueError when pytest's
pdb gets used in the `CliRunner.isolation` context:
def test_click_isolation():
* Задание 1 выполнено неверно. "Начиная с 6 символа" не означает, что у символа индекс 6, потому что индексация начинается с 0. "До 7 символа" в задании не указано, что включая 7ой. https://github.c…
"pw_filled.csv" File missing in the library. For running the file ts_case_others.
Dear authors,
First and foremost thanks for creating such an incredible library. I was going through some example notebooks and realized that pw.csv and pw_filled.csv were missing. I tried looking …
In case data without index column, function `from_csv` set the first column as index and this cause troubles in model fitting. One of the possible solution is to set the default parameter to `None` or…
We need to transfer code from gitlab to github and see if everything works.
Notbooks in https://github.com/ITMO-NSS-team/fedot-examples should be runned and actualized if necessary
При использовании шаблона в overleaf и TeX Live 2022 компиляция прерывается по лимиту времени. Если сменить версию на TeX Live 2021, проблема исчезает.
Аналогичная проблема при компиляции на MiKTeX…