* deep_translator version: Latest
* Python version: 3.8
* Operating System: Ubuntu
### Description
Linguee Translator does not support all languages in LINGUEE_LANGUAGES_TO_CODES. For example …
The Component RenderWhenVisible is not working correctly on rendertron/prerender. The RenderWhenVisible prevents it from showing all data for those programs.
There needs to be a f…
おみごと (お見事)
1\) well done!; bravoОбоснованиеhttps://www.linguee.com/english-japanese/search?source=auto&query=%E3%81%8A%E3%81%BF%E3%81%94%E3%81%A8
## 功能简介
DeepL翻译(英语:DeepL Translator)是2017年8月由总部位于德国科隆的DeepL GmbH(一家由Linguee支持的创业公司)推出的免费神经机器翻译服务[2][3][4]。评论家对于它的评价普遍正面,认为它的翻译比起Goo…
There is a very nice Alfred extensions which adds linguee support. It would be awesome if Albert had this too
A ` zztradutor ` usa o translate do google, que não mais responde por adotar técnicas AJAX.
Sites alternativos como www.collinsdictionary.com, www.linguee.com.br, www.deepl.com/translator, www.babylo…
My apologies for deleting the content of this issue but it contains some private information and for this reason, it should be addressed to the product support using private means of c…
Continua #83
Añadir links a diccionarios y glosarios:
- Wordreference
- Linguee
- Iate
- Panhispanico de dudas
- Glosario Ruby (otros?)
### Issue URL (Annoyance)