LSP log obtained with `vim.lsp.set_log_level 'trace'`
[TRACE][2024-01-16 00:51:51] ...lsp/handlers.lua:618 "default_handler" "workspace/configuration" { ctx = '{\n client_id =…
### Your environment
Which OS do you use: NixOS
### Steps to reproduce
1. Introduce an error in your .cabal file.
2. Restart HLS
### Expected behaviour
The error should be shown. In my…
Adding a module-info to the modules will make the life easier for whom wants to create a JLinked runtime including only the necessary modules. Most LSP servers are standalone programs, so it makes sen…
Currently each IDE needs to be configured for each Language Server implementation. It would be nice if there was a way for IDEs to automatically detect installed servers.
This is possible for Jupyter…
### Environment
- OS and Version: Windows 11 24H2
- VS Code Version: 1.95.3
- C/C++ Extension Version: v1.22.11
### Bug Summary and Steps to Reproduce
Bug Summary:
The closing parenthesis for a typ…
Hey Anton,
I did just compile the latest version on typstlanguagetool with the remote-server feature.
Settings in settions.json (VSCodium) are:
` "generic-lsp.configuration": [
I0919 23:49:51.075237 34484 server.go:255] LSP listening on random port at 61604
I0919 23:49:51.078035 3…
/usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/rpc.lua:800: Spawning language server with cmd: `{ "/home/end3rman/.local/share/nvim/opt/phpactor/bin/phpactor", "language-server" }` failed. The language s…
Just a heads up that in the not too distant future, forester will ship with an integrated LSP server.
The code on the [lsp branch](https://git.sr.ht/~jonsterling/ocaml-forester/log/lsp) is not yet …
It might be useful to use `lsp-devtools record` to capture an LSP session and use `pytest-lsp` to replay that session and make sure that the server behaves as expected