Prototyped like this:
with apology as (
select Transcription, mp3 from announcements where
Category = 'Apology'
order by random() limit 1
train_company as (
Team completes the conversational design exercise
Background: We’ve talked about the people involved on the path to .gov and the kinds of support we’d like users to have. These madlibs are designed t…
```!use [-my] ```
_MadLibs a usage for `$object_in_inventory` if present in OD or the user's inventory (with `-my`), or prints and error_
```!drop [-my] ```
_Drops an `$object_in_invent…
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Based on the statistic chosen, make the text in the map a madlib.
[timebox: , complexity points: ]
As a user, I want a true/false question that asks if multiple performers were in a given movie, in order to make the game more challenging.
**User Expectations**…
## Description
I would like to create a Madlibs game command for Sir Lancebot.
## Reasoning
Most often than not, the output of the game (the story with the blanks filled in) will sound really…