These should not be type-classes, but data types.
See https://github.com/qfpl/waargonaut for a JSON library that fixes many of the errors of argonaut and subsequent JSON libraries in Scala.
to avoid surprises, i prefer semiautomatic derivation over the automatic one.
therefore, i'd expect code like this failing to compile:
sealed trait A; case object A1 extends A; case object A…
Many typeclasses require only read access to fields (e.g.`Show`, diffx's `Diff`, JSON Encoders), but due to the existence of `CaseClass#construct`, magnolia derivation will fail if the primary constru…
In version 0.14.1, typeclass derivation fails if a case class has two parameters with default values:
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
case class ParamsWithDefault(a: Int = 3,…
This feature has several advantages over v0.6.1:
1. Magnolia would no longer need to be a runtime dependency of any libraries which use it,
2. implicit evidence (of some type other than the typeclas…
- Cleaning up GitHub issues and missing features
- Making the `fury` branch the default
- Stability of API and releases
- Requirements for version 1.0
- Migration strategy for Scala 3
This could be related to the following closed issue (https://github.com/propensive/magnolia/issues/95)
I've came up with code example which partially based on `magnolia`'s examples. Full showcase r…
I have a following schema:
case class GetAParams(i: Int)
case class GetBParams(i: Int)
case class Query( getA: GetAParams => Task[A] )
case class A( getB: GetBParams => Task[B]) )
### Motivation
Right now we use a couple of shapeless based libraries in data pipelines.
- https://github.com/nevillelyh/shapeless-datatype for:
- conversion between case classes Avro `Gener…
[Magnolia](https://github.com/propensive/magnolia) provides a convenient way of a type class derivation based on the structure of a target.
From my point of view, this functionality can be in a sep…