### Excel Type
- [ ] XLSX
- [ ] XLSM
- [ ] CSV
- [ ] OTHER
### Upload Excel File
Please attach your issue file by dragging or droppng, selecting or pasting them.
e.g : [https://github.c…
### Excel Type
- [x] XLSX
- [ ] XLSM
- [ ] CSV
- [ ] OTHER
### Upload Excel File
Please attach your issue file by dragging or droppng, selecting or pasting them.
e.g : [https://github.c…
### Excel Type
- [ ] XLSX
- [ ] XLSM
- [ ] CSV
- [ ] OTHER
### Upload Excel File
Please attach your issue file by dragging or droppng, selecting or pasting them.
e.g : [https://github.c…
### Excel Type
- [ ] XLSX
- [ ] XLSM
- [* ] CSV
- [ ] OTHER
### MiniExcel Version
### Description
使用 stream 方式读取csv文件中文乱码,设置gbk也无效果.
### Excel Type
- [ ] XLSX
### Upload Excel File
If we could pass an optional `CultureInfo` as argument to `Query` to be used during parsing, it would allow clients to pass streams from different locales other than what is currently the default. Ex:…
var image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String("iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABAQAAAAA3bvkkAAAAEElEQVR4nGJgAQAAAP//AwAABgAFV7+r1AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==")));
I've tried to render floating point types in xlsx using typed objects with type double/decimal but it always renders as integer. How can we control decimal precision? I've tried the ExcelFormatAttribu…