Hello, thank you for sharing this project. I would like to ask how to solve the problem that the training and prediction models are not on the same GPU in the first round of Val results when I train w…
YOLOV4 use Mish activation function, but in your code ,you use LeakyReLU activation function. Is that OK?
links in "YOLOv4 model zoo" page are expired? not able to download weights for YOLOv4-Leaky, YOLOv4-Mish?
Can you provide a pretrained_ models of yolov4x-mish.pth? Because I found that its download link has expired in its Yolov4 GitHub.
I want to evaluate YOLOv4 models (yolov4, yolov4-csp, yolov4-tiny, and yolov4x-mish) for vehicle subset from COCO dataset (which includes only cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles at ~19k im…
I'm trying to run benchmark with pretrained model YOLOv4-Mish-416 from this page: https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/wiki/YOLOv4-model-zoo
After run:
python benchmarks.py --size 416 --model yolov…
ImportError: /home/priyanka/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mish_cuda/_C.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6caffe28TypeMeta21_typeMetaDataInstanceISt7complexIdEEEPKNS_6detail12Ty…
I followed this tutorial https://github.com/linghu8812/tensorrt_inference
I was able to do the conversion, but how can i do inferencing or testing of this converted yolov4x-mish.onnx model?
I found the model zoo useful because I want to start training a model on my 3080. I decided that the `YOLOv4-Mish-416` would probably fit fine.
For the normal `yolov4.weights` there's also a `yolov…
Write code the following Activation Functions
Be sure to include the plots and elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages
(vanishing gradient, dead neuron problem etc for example)
Sigmoid, R…