I'm switching over to ncm2 from Deoplete mostly for the better integration of LSP snippets with regular snippets. I've been using neosnippet for a while now and haven't had any problems before.
Hi @roxma, I developed a source for dlang [viniarck/ncm2-d](https://github.com/viniarck/ncm2-d), how can I get it merged into `ncm2` organization?
Hi, I'm using [vimtex](https://github.com/lervag/vimtex) for latex, it supports omni completion. I wish to use it with coc.nvim.
"coc.source.omni.filetypes": ["tex"],
I used to work in vim but I find out that autocompletion in nvim using phpactor is so much better that vim's YouCompleteMe so I just set it up but I am facing this problem in one of my laravel project…
**OS - macOS Mojave**
**NVIM v0.2.2**
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.0.5
Compilation: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/shims/super/clang -Wconversion
Have file `test.md` in buffer path and type `tes` => `test.md` will appear as a completion.
I get this error when editing my neovim init.vim file.
### OS
MacOS Mojave
### neovim `:version` output
NVIM v0.3.1
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.0.5
Compilation: /usr/local/Hom…
Could it be possible to enable the completion from other buffers as well as the current one? thanks!
https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp works on vim8. Should be a nice alternative.
roxma updated
5 years ago
First of all ,thank you very much for doing great job .It works very well on my archlinux when I develop C program.But when I develop Python program , it can not identify third-party module like pand…