## User Story
As an operator of a partner website
I want to extract preview metadata from links to GigaDB datasets
So I can present preview information to my visitors interested in those lin…
When Facebook clips this site, its going to look for the first image and not find one. I think thats bad. The homepage really needs an image and a short description that looks good on FB. It shouldn't…
- permalink を作る
- 画像をSNSに投稿できるようにする
sopra updated
6 years ago
近期同事问了个奇怪的问题,为啥他这个项目 npm install失败。
+ 你这个可能是被投毒了
+ 你从项目往上找,看看npmrc有没有什么奇怪的改动
+ 那就是这个仓库的作者被投毒了
+ 基于这是个卖课用的仓库,我严重怀疑作者不怀好意
* `gatsby clean`を実行すると改善
Failed to compile
There was an error in your GraphQL query:
Field "fields" is not defined by type FileFilterInput.
File: /gatsby-blog/src/components/remote-imag…
Just found a new issue when assign a server, expiration date cant be used. There's no option for that.
What I see now:
FB: Support my recycling request
Twitter: Support my recycling request + website
What I want to see:
FB:Do you need recycling in your apartment? Check out this cool website!
## 發生什麼問題 / The Problem
- 目前如果複製單一圖表的連結可以取得該圖表的 OGP
- 不過在總數上好像不太對
- 圖表格式好像也用到東京都版本的圖表格式
## 螢幕截圖 / Screenshot
Webpages can be enhanced via meta-data such as facebooks open graph protocol: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/opengraph
This allows for better sharing on social media, as it defines wi…
**What service do you want support added for?**
YouTube clips
From what I can tell it's just the one link format for now:
1. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugx1Pkw2r6TFJIIDXwx4AaABCQ