(python3.8) (base) wzp@vastai-NF5468M6:~/code/model_check/GAN/stylegan2-ada-lightning$ python trainer/train_stylegan.py wandb_main=True …
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Dear All and @waleedka ,
I've been using this repo to detect and create masking for crack damage on bridge structures. My training dataset has 850 images and overall I got decent result. As you can s…
Hey Tim, for starters I wanted to say thank you and for the myriad openlayers examples and tutorials you've released into the wild. This one in particular really opened up the eyes of the National Wil…
We're getting to the point where the core API is stabilizing. We can now start making things fancier and building out interfaces to base methods and other packages (like #5). Here's a current brain-d…
### The problem
This integration provides in its System Options a configuration flag called "Enable Newly added entities" (described as: "if newly discovered devices for ibeacon tracker should be a…
With the new vendor feature added in #20065 and #15633 dependencies are resolved locally which is fantastic. I noticed that when an error is thrown the stack trace still points to the original `https:…
I am trying to finetune STT En FastConformer Hybrid Transducer-CTC Large Streaming Multi model.
### **Issue**: WER does not go below 22.5%. Need suggestion of how I can improve this or anything that …
I have a few questions regarding this tool. I have a query that results in 124 575 hits with