### Brief Summary
Management bean MEJB (JSR-77) was to be removed at JEE 9. It is still partially present in payara 6 (JEE 10) and its (partial) presence causes naming context list() calls against ja…
I am trying to run [fighterfish osgihttp example](https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/glassfish-fighterfish/tree/master/sample/osgihttp/helloworld) in Payara 5.184 without success.
When deploying…
f:validateWholeBean requires f:validateBean in each input -
f:validateBean should be indicated for each input even if there is no validation contrains, otherwise I get an "HV000028: Unexpected excepti…
# Spring Boot maven web apps cannot run in payara/server-full:5.2022.2-jdk11 docker container #
When I run the app in local payara, the url http://localhost/springapp/test works fine, b…
It may be simpler for end user applications, and for functional testing, to run a Krail app with an embedded servlet container.
Tomcat or Jetty would be the obvious candidates, Payara may not work …
# Description #
Migratng programs from Payara to Payara 5.2022.2 shows the following issue in Payara 5:
SecurityContext object injected by @Context annotation in JAX-RS rest bean randomly …
- [x] Organization Name ("Organization") and, if applicable, URL:
[Payara Services Ltd.](https://www.payara.fish/)
- [x] Product Name, Version and download URL (if applicable):
[Payara Plat…
PhaseListener with ANY_PHASE registered in faces-config.xml gets called in RESTORE_VIEW
but not called if registered by f:phaseListener.
To my knowledge they should behave identical.
Maven proj…
I just cloned the repo (I'm on 8319b3d) and ran `bash ./demostart.sh` but the war file failed to deploy with the following error:
`[#|2023-04-12T22:07:36.424+0000ESC[1;93m|WARNING|ESC[0mPayara 5.20…
### Description
We have form that user can upload files to a document.
If we use MemoryBuffer and only 1 file upload max, it is working no problem.
When we use MultiFileMemoryBuffer and multi…