Seems like a typo this.applyRenderMixin**g**
Hi @blurymind I closed issue #161 and opened this one, because the first ink implementation is now complete, but I wanted to keep an issue open to keep myself informed about the possibility of develop…
Also, btw I can do at least 200k elements @ 60fps with this but in pixijs I can only do 20k sprites @ 60fps.
### Describe the bug
In my code I use the heic2any package, this package executes my code in Web Worker. When I try to run the Histoire build, I get an error:
Error while collecting story /ho…
chrome 84.0.41
android 9
desktop test working correctly
I'm trying your lib with pixijs but I'm encountering a problem when I try to apply the blur.
This is an example which show the problem :
![sans titre](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/…
Hi it would be good if you could install via npm.
Also is there a prebuilt js bundle with both pixijs and sound.js?
The graph view shows an empty page. I can see this warning:
`PixiJS Deprecation Warning`
As an example, see: https://pengx17.github.io/knowledge-garden/#/graph
- [ ] add background
- [ ] Override skin name
- [ ] T-doll search
- [ ] T-doll dummy Link implement
- [ ] T-doll deployment position preset
- [x] pixijs version update
- [ ] Responesive layout
`index.html` lists this code as a basic usage example:
``` javascript
// You can use either `new PIXI.WebGLRenderer`, `new PIXI.CanvasRenderer`, or `PIXI.autoDetectRenderer`
// which will try to choo…