Is there a document that describes how fetch/use is done in terms of interfaces / SSIDs.
For example, if a resource is fetched while on an open Wifi or Cellular interface, for example _MyFavoriteCoff…
_From [matthias...@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/110029356478037175549/) on August 30, 2012 18:11:28_
Fetching LDAP data can take a few seconds. To speed things up for the user, go-susi should…
We could have fetcher prefetch and uncompress functions. This will be more noticeable when functions are in a several-MB package that needs to be unzipped. We'll have to measure how much this actually…
Reading the code, I fail to find where it actually "fallbacks to XHR".
// Prefetch the given url using native 'prefetch'. Fallback to 'xhr' if not supported
const prefetch = (url) …
A PromptReco job failure in the NanoAOD step was observed at the tier0 with the following error message
cms-talk thead: https://cms-talk.web.cern.ch/t/paused-job-for-promptreco-run381515-parkingvbf0-…
I have been trying to implement my own custom dataset and it works but it seems like the data is red from files every epoch, is there no way of caching the data? I have mostly worked in Tensorflow and…
The example in [subresource-loading.md](https://github.com/littledan/resource-bundles/blob/main/subresource-loading.md) has the following manifest:
"paths": {
"a.js": ["bGpobG", "Fz…
## Ideas
1. Is this even necessary?
2. Allow returning a element that fetches html from a server and renders it. Add some functionality for portaling into the resulting HTML to add listeners like j…
### Is your proposal related to a problem?
Currently, there is no native support on preloading or prefetching resources (e.g. fonts and CSS). The workaround is to write a node script to modify the ge…