Creates mutexes. Mutexes can be used to synchronize different processes the sample may create or inject, or to indicate that the system is already infected. Therefore, the spawned process %programfile…
Followup from #2018:
Currently registering a compute/keymanager worker requires being able to attest with IAS. This is thwarting attempts to restrict IAS attestations via the proxy to valid comput…
When adding `onnxruntime` in Python 3.9, `uv` fails to resolve `1.19.2` and instead fails. `onnxruntime` `1.20.0` dropped support for Python 3.9. Could this be related to `onnxruntime` as `poetry add`…
Tweak "Choose how to display the search box in the taskbar" always active, even if not changed it still creates script in XML.
1. Windows Defender automatically turns o…
Cor_Enable_Profiling - only connect with a profiler if this environment variable exists and is set to a non-zero value.
Cor_Profiler - connect with the profiler with this CLSID or ProgID (which must h…
i want to make tests with the example "argparser.ino" with VisualStudioCode and Platformio, but i get the error:
Processing esp32-console-test (platform: espressif32@6.5.0; board: esp…
Dispatching to subjects in the registry should be done in independent tasks.
When registering a new product version that does not comply with the registration policy, the registry returns an error message similar to this one:
**Problem**: disappearing values from `Horde.Registry` after spawning more than two nodes.
**Expected behavior**: After adding more nodes, values in the `Horde.Registry` from all nodes will be sync…
|Wazuh version|Component|Install type|Install method|Platform|
| 4.8.0 | active response | agent | Packages/Sources | windows 7 x64 vm|
Followed the documentation: https://d…