so i wanted to record and stop the record but it seems like **.stop()** method is not working properly.
here is my code:
-> record code:
```group_call = pytgcalls.GroupCall(client, '', 'outpu…
2021-05-20T08:40:20.632913+00:00 heroku[Safone.1]: State changed from up to crashed
Again And Again it is showing this , what to do
Output file has a not null size, but after conversion, when listening to silence
Convert cmd: **ffmpeg -f s16le -ac 2 -ar 48000 -acodec pcm_s16le -i output.raw clear_output.mp3**
Since the pyrogram was not released, this feature will be in a separate branch. pypi versions will come out as dev.
Sometimes it fully freeze after calling `.stop()`, handlers and other plugins stops working, the only way to solve this is `kill -9` the process and start the userbot again.
### Step to reproduce:
ImportError: cannot import name 'EditGroupCallParticipant' from 'pyrogram.raw.functions.phone' (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyrogram/raw/functions/phone/__init__.py)
Original: https://github.com/MarshalX/tgcalls-beta/issues/1 by @L3Nya
Segfault happens if you change `input_filename` or `output_filename` attribute of `GroupCall` before starting it.
Steps to r…
ImportError: cannot import name 'EditGroupCallParticipant' from 'pyrogram.raw.functions.phone' (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyrogram/raw/functions/phone/__init__.py)
I want to have "join -> record -> leave" done in one handler, but it records empty audio, and the "output.raw" even keep growing after left the chat (I even have `.stop_output()` in the code).