### 🥰 需求描述
现在支持的国内版的api接口 "https://dashscope.aliyuncs.com/compatible-mode/v1",
国际版的api接口是 'https://dashscope-intl.aliyuncs.com/api/v1'
### 前置确认
- [X] 我确认我运行的是最新版本的代码,并且安装了所需的依赖,在[FAQS](https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat/wiki/FAQs)中也未找到类似问题。
### ⚠️ 搜索issues中是否已存在类似问题
- [X] 我已经搜索过issues和disscussions,没有跟我遇到的问题相关的issue
### Evaluation
- [x] Code to clean up Dataset/Map for [HF release](https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/ShadesofBias/blob/master/map_dataset.py)
- [x] Add code to constrain generation to just a f…
### Model Series
### What are the models used?
### What is the scenario where the problem happened?
### Is this badcase known and can it be solved…
### Initial Checks
- [ ] I have searched GitHub for a duplicate issue and I'm sure this is something new
- [ ] I have read and followed [the docs & demos](https://github.com/modelscope/modelscope-age…
### 起始日期 | Start Date
_No response_
### 实现PR | Implementation PR
_No response_
### 相关Issues | Reference Issues
_No response_
### 摘要 | Summary
请问如何支持 Qwen/Qwen-VL-Chat
### 基本示例 | Basic Example
### Self Checks
- [X] This is only for bug report, if you would like to ask a question, please head to [Discussions](https://github.com/langgenius/dify/discussions/categories/general).
- [X] I have s…
如题,我已经参考官网的手册安装了conda,且安装了两个环境,一个专门是xinference跑emding模型的,bge-large-zh-v1.5,一个是chatchat环境,我是在centos7上安装的,还没有跑成功。不清楚model_settings.yml如何配置大模型,我看官网介绍说是 qwen1.5-chat,我想问一下,是不是得在通一千文官网注册拿到api的url和appkey?这个…
## Why do you need it?
contextCache 可以大幅提升长上下文的响应速度。
可以通过 Higress AI 代理插件配置,快速提供有 RAG 能力的服务,并且可以通过 Higress 的 AI Cache 插件进一步降低成本。
## How could it be?
支持配置 cacheid,可以参考 qwen fileId 的实现