any crash recovery stuff? difficult to find online though i hvnt try crashing it yet. just wondering how to recover if anything goes wrong.
also if i can understand the internal mechanics of how sh…
# Why
Testing the system’s behavior during server restarts is crucial to ensure that requests are properly distributed and handled by the Raft consensus algorithm. This helps in verifying the system’…
Just keeping running notes on what seems to be weird, when `docker` seems to hang on some nodes ...
Incident Sept 16th, 11:12am Pacific
* Restarted `docker` on `dsco1` and `dsco2`
* Restarted `po…
Use the comment field to discuss the [next consensus architecture proposal](http://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/wiki/Next-Consensus-Architecture-Proposal).
# 前言
我已和@fengjiachun 老师讨论过该优化方案,并会在暑期开始研发
# 一 背景
状态机复制(State Machine Replication)是一种众所周知的实现容错服务的方法,提供高可用性和强一致性。
I just found Nano-SQL, congratulations on your work, it looks interesting. Oh and good Docs.
I am especially interested in a Database which works both in the Browser and on the Server with synchron…
## In what area(s)?
/area placement
## Ask your question here
dapr uses 3 phase lock to sync actor state, IMO it introduces single point of failure, it's also costly especially in …
It'd be useful to implement the 'correct' protocol to change cluster membership/topologies, as discissed (IIRC) in the Raft paper.
# 计算机相关的顶级会议
## 前言
## 前言
A Byzantine failure in the real world](https://blog.cloudflare.com/a-byzantin…