Hello, I am a student who just started to study the change process of space-time points. I think you have a deep understanding of this process after you answered the information about Hawkes process o…
# speech recognition
- Soltau, Hagen, Hank Liao, and Hasim Sak. "Neural Speech Recognizer: Acoustic-to-Word LSTM Model for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition." arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.09975 (201…
你好,我最近看了您的代码,关于Attention layer那一块,我不是很懂,主要是输入的shape以及中间各层的shape,还有每个变量的意义。读完还没有弄明白mtl的任务是什么,就是代码解决什么领域的问题。能否写点文档介绍一下呢,谢谢您。
## 背景
PyTorch 最近在 2.1.0 版本发布了 `torch.export` 功能,提供了以 PyTorch 2.x 的 dynamo 为核心的模型导出方法。其功能上与我们 Paddle 动转静模型导出 `paddle.jit.save` 相类似,因此我们想要建设一个 repo 能够自动对比 `torch.export` 和 `paddle.jit.save` 的导出成功与否,[…
* **Prediction of angular features**:
* See this: https://discord.com/channels/729741769192767510/797547607345201162/874987318069592095
* **Types of recurrent layers**
* multiplicativeLS…
- [ ] [Inception in visual cortex: in vivo-silico loops reveal most exciting images](https://doi.org/10.1101/506956) analysis methods can be helpful in my project.
Dear Mamba Contributors,
I hope this message finds you well. I am in the process of utilising the Mamba state space architecture for a language modelling task and have been highly impressed with th…
Opisać i zadecydować o tym jak będziemy jak wyglądać nasza architektura CNN.
- [ ] różna długość próbek na wejście do CNN - rozwiązania:
a) przycięcie próbek,
b) podział sygnałów próbek na 'pod-p…
Hello ! I am a student from China and I am learning about ESN recently. I have read your ESN code on github.But when I tried to reproduce the code myself(on tensorflow2), I found the following error. …