**Describe the bug:**
I've been unable to download a few songs even after waiting and trying multiple days. Was a saavn fetch error originally so I left it, but now getting this. Most of the no down…
Download url is not working. Can you please check.
**Describe the bug:**
**Media Links Used:**
DownloadLinkFetchFailed(errorTrace=Find Link for West Side
Fetching From Saavn Failed:DownloadLinkFetchFailed(errorTrace=No SAAVN Match Found for West Side)
at com.shabinder.common.providers.saa…
DownloadLinkFetchFailed(errorTrace=Find Link for Crystal Protocol
Fetching From Saavn Failed:DownloadLinkFetchFailed(errorTrace=No SAAVN Match Found for Crystal Protocol)
at com.shabinder.common…
**Describe the bug:**
**Media Links Used:**
**Expected behavior**
Paste Stacktrace here if available
**Device Info (please compl…
**Device Info (please complete the following information):**
- Device: [Samsung Note 20 Ulyra]
- OS: [Android 12 and 11]
- Version: [e.g. 3.6.1]
- Country: [India, Canada and US]
Fetching From Saavn Failed:DownloadLinkFetchFailed(errorTrace=No SAAVN Match Found for V-12)
at com.shabinder.common.providers.saavn.requests.JioSaavnRequests$DefaultImpls.findBestSongDownloadURL(J…
DownloadLinkFetchFailed(errorTrace=Find Link for Forever Young
Fetching From Saavn Failed:DownloadLinkFetchFailed(errorTrace=No SAAVN Match Found for Forever Young)
at com.shabinder.common.pro…
DownloadLinkFetchFailed(errorTrace=Find Link for My Shot
Fetching From Saavn Failed:DownloadLinkFetchFailed(errorTrace=No SAAVN Match Found for My Shot)
at com.shabinder.common.providers.saavn.requ…