This is split out from https://github.com/openid/oid4vc-haip-sd-jwt-vc/issues/133 :
> For item 3 "what if verifier wants to pass multiple trust models, hoping one is supported by the wallet?"
Hello. How does hedera-vc-api fit in with the evolving EU identity standards. My quick perspective is that most of the EBSI "standards" focus on the OpenID4VC and OpenID4Issuance interactions. So hede…
Right now, the definitions (e.g., [this](https://openid.github.io/OpenID4VCI/openid-4-verifiable-credential-issuance-wg-draft.html#name-credential-issuer-metadata-6)) for `claims`/`credentialSubject` …
1. I am conducting VSOMEIP stress testing, During stress testing, there may be disconnection and reconnection of Ethernet and router. and initially, VSOMEIP is working fine
2. Occasional issues: Di…
Section 4:
> An SD-JWT+KB is composed of
> * an SD-JWT (i.e., an Issuer-signed JWT and zero or more
> Disclosures), and
> * a Key Binding JWT.
Change into:
> A da…
Hi members of WG.
I'm developing SD-JWT VC library for Typescript in OWF. I'm also developing token status list standard in my library as well.
Here is the link: https://github.com/openwallet-foun…
This is a proxy of:
- [x] https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/issues/32955
It is not clear whether the Issuer or the Verifier has the choice for the two key management options. Clearly define who's choice it is
![Screenshot 2024-06-10 160123](https://github.com/Scholar01/sd-webui-mov2mov/assets/172255289/ec1b7cb3-a3f4-4260-af3e-73ffd33a0b87)
This text addition proposal results from the split of section 10.1:
> 10.2. End-User intrackability
> Intrackability is a property whereby one or more Issuers are prevented to learn
> by wh…