hello,when i run your demo, i met this problem : ModuleNotFoundError:No module named 'sklearn.preprocessing.data',can you help me to handle this?
I don't know if this is really an issue, but I report it for your interest. Pathpy3 installation worked nicely, however, when importing pathpy I got an error telling me I had to install "sklearn" pack…
@anniegbryant, @benfulcher, I would like to congratulate you to this nice package, I really like the concept and it is quite nicely designed! There are also a lot of useful methods collected! Nice.
### Expected behavior
Optuna optimization executed on sklearn `Pipeline` with _multiple_ `ColumnTransformer`s crashes when `n_jobs` ≠ 1 and the `transformers` argument of `ColumnTransformer`s refer…
I was hoping to reuse the model selection routines of the Scikitlearn API (grid search CV and the like), but it appears that neither HMM nor the StructuredPerceptron are considered to be valid…
`sklearn` is a deprecated pip package. Please update to `scikit-learn` instead. Error logs are as follows:
45.02 Collecting sklearn
45.09 Downloading sklearn-0.0.post7.tar.gz (3.6 kB)
Hi, the maintenance of `sklearn-crfsuite` seem to be stale (https://github.com/TeamHG-Memex/sklearn-crfsuite/issues/72) and it has heavier dependencies, is it possible to migrate the models to [`pytho…
### Validation Checklist
- [X] Is this a Kubeflow issue?
- [X] Are you posting in the right repository ?
- [X] Did you follow the installation guide https://github.com/kubeflow/manifests?tab=readme-o…
# Load the classifier
clf, pp = joblib.load("digits_cls1.pkl")
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn.svm.classes'
I get this error at this part. Specify the sklearn version used pls.
New tool https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.ensemble.HistGradientBoostingClassifier.html
based on POC https://github.com/ogrisel/pygbm mentioned earlier here https://github.c…